Quantex has been selected by Silicon Review magazine as one of its top 30 Innovative Brands in 2021. The magazine interviewed CEO Dr Paul Pankhurst and Director of Global Marketing, Gillian Harding-Moore and has written a three-page, in-depth feature. The article delves into Quantex’s ground-breaking innovations, product roadmap for 2021, mission, decision-making method, and trajectories for the next five years.
Silicon Review was excited by the game-changing innovation possibilities of our single-use precision pump technology, which span across several markets. The pumps are so low-cost to manufacture that they can comprise a part of the disposable fluid pack, and are therefore, enabling sanitary dispense and dosing solutions from more compact, lower cost machines/devices, whilst eliminating expensive maintenance and cleaning.
In one 'eco' application example, we are working with partners to provide a refill station dispenser that will pump any liquid product you will find in a supermarket. This generic dispense IoT platform provides a low-cost/low maintenance solution that would otherwise be too difficult to maintain and too costly to scale up. Crucially, our recyclable pumps are meeting health and safety standards that other dispensing solutions in the market are failing. Further to this, our dilution pumps will mix concentrates with water in-pump, so that we can not only help supermarkets save gigatons of single-use plastic waste, but take water out of the distribution channel and reduce shipping weight/volume and carbon emissions.
Lastly, Quantex has been developing a sprayer technology that can eliminate harmful gas-propelled aerosols. The pumps have a high-pressure capability meaning that by simply attaching a spray nozzle to the outlet, the pumps generate a fine and even spray similar to aerosol quality. Due to a low torque requirement, all they require is a low-cost motor drive and small rechargeable batteries in a reusable spray handle. The Quantex pump is pre-attached to an airless liquid product pouch which simply clips into the device handle and you can press a button and it sprays. Multiple products can be used with the same device without cross-contamination. With this exciting technology, not only can we eradicate the need for propellent gases, but we can reduce single-use packaging weight by up to 98%.
We are very grateful to Silicon Review for recognising Quantex for its game-changing innovation, of which there is plenty more on the roadmap, so watch this space!
Please view Silicon Review's full article here: Quantex Arc Ltd - 30 Innovative Brands of the Year 2021
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