The function of a boiler is simple.
It boils water to produce steam, which,
in turn, provides energy. While this is a
straightforward process, there are complexities within it that could affect the
boiler’s integrity. The primary concern is
the quality of the water.
Even high-quality water contains impurities, which has the potential to create problems for the boiler’s functionality. Over time, chemical impurities in the
water could damage a boiler’s internals,
leaving solid deposits, such as corrosion,
rust or scale as the steam evaporates.
These accumulated deposits could eventually thermally insulate the boiler’s heat
exchanger surfaces, reducing the boiler’s
rate of steam generation and eventually
causing the equipment’s metals to fail.
Without proper treatment, corrosion, rust
and scale may eventually lead to thermal
failure, reduced boiler efficiency and a potential boiler failure.
The boiler is not the only thing that
may be affected by untreated feedwater.
Aside from the boiler’s internals, the corresponding safety equipment and auxiliary piping may also suffer the effects of
water chemicals and impurities. Addressing the quality of the feedwater becomes
imperative. Otherwise, the damage to
the boiler and associated equipment may
shorten their longevity and increase capital expenditures.
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