From everyday tasks to critical operations, energy makes the world go round. However beneficial and necessary as it may be, energy comes at a cost – environmentally and financially – especially for industrial manufacturers.
Due to the environmental impact and the rising cost of energy, many industries are developing new production and manufacturing methods – known as “sustainable manufacturing” – to lower energy consumption, optimize operational costs
and establish an environmentally-friendly method of manufacturing. Energy suppliers have even created rebate programs where industrial companies are eligible to receive monetary refunds on their energy bills if they can demonstrate that the new method
of operation requires less energy.
The Costly Energy Challenge
Regardless of the industry, pumping technology is essential for many critical applications within manufacturing facilities – and all of that production amounts to a lot of energy consumption.
In fact, industrial pumping systems account for nearly 20% of the world’s electricity demand. That energy consumption can be up to 90% of the total cost of owning and operating a pump. With the average price of electricity only increasing as time
goes by, it’s in the best interest of manufacturers to change how their operations consume energy.
But there is some good news. It’s estimated that 30% to 50% of energy consumed by pumps can actually be saved by implementing equipment or control-system upgrades.
Fortunately, Wilden® has designed the ideal solution to help air-operated double-diaphragm (AODD) pumps and operators reduce energy consumption and become sustainable manufacturers – the Pro-Flo® SHIFT Air Distribution System (ADS).
The Pro-Flo SHIFT Air Distribution System Solution
AODD pumps equipped with the reliable and efficient Pro-Flo SHIFT ADS can achieve flow rates up to 34% higher while requiring 60% less compressed air than other pump technologies.

Designed to restrict the air flow into the air chamber near the end of each pump stroke, the Pro-Flo SHIFT ADS ensures that only the right amount of air is introduced to keep the pumping process functioning. This is accomplished by incorporating an air control spool that automatically optimizes air consumption by eliminating overfilling of the air chamber without any reduction in flow rate.
The Pro-Flo SHIFT ADS is proven to reduce energy consumption, maximize mean time between repair (MTBR) and create a sustainable method for manufacturing. Additionally, Wilden and their distribution partners have the tools and usage calculators that can provide evidence of improved energy efficiency. Many manufacturers who use the Pro-Flo SHIFT ADS in their operations have received rebates from energy suppliers because of their newly established sustainable-manufacturing systems.
To learn more about how Wilden AODD pumps can help reduce energy consumption, optimize operating costs and make your operation a part of the sustainable-manufacturing movement, read the white paper: Choosing the Right AODD Pump Can Help Decrease Energy Consumption.
News Section
With the sustainable-manufacturing movement in full swing, adopting reliable, energy-efficient pumping technology, like the Wilden® Pro-Flo® SHIFT Air Distribution System (ADS), can help your operation reduce energy consumption, optimize operational costs and be eligible to receive monetary refunds from energy suppliers.