Nov 04, 2021
Quattroflow®, part of PSG®, a Dover company and a leading brand of positive displacement quaternary diaphragm pumps, is pleased to announce that it has extended its multiple-use product line of quaternary (four-piston) diaphragm pumps with the introduction of the new QF5k.
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Nov 02, 2021
The function of a boiler is simple. It boils water to produce steam, which in turn provides energy. While this is a straightforward process, there are complexities within it that could affect the boiler’s integrity. The primary concern is the quality of the water.
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Oct 29, 2021
We’re excited to share the debut of this new digital tool for channel partners and end users. Available online at choice.psgdover.com, the Blackmer CHOICE platform is a web-based pump selection and quote tool that allows users to look up pump repair kits, search for pumps based on system conditions and access pump configuration options.
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Oct 18, 2021
Connecting with a celebrated past is a precious thing. For businesses that have existed for over a century, it can be difficult – even rare – to maintain a direct association to their founders.
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Sep 27, 2021
Common pump problems involving solids handling, vapor mixtures and the dangers of dry run have plagued fluid process operations forever. This is where Blackmer® stepped up. The arrival of the MAGNES Series Sliding Vane Magnetic Drive Pumps – an innovative design which combines sliding vane with the best advantages of magnetic drive – brings a solution that handles expensive, valuable and hazardous liquids in a leak-free fashion.
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Sep 27, 2021
For Blackmer®, product performance, reliability and safety are paramount. When those products also provide resolutions to common issues and start winning awards because of that, it means the company has done something more than right. That’s exactly what happened with the introduction the Blackmer MAGNES Series.
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Sep 14, 2021
Trade fairs and congresses serve as a means of direct communication with customers and distributors. We have always valued this highly. However, this form of contact is not always possible at present, when events are postponed or cancelled.
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Aug 20, 2021
An ECS-equipped eccentric disc pump can help process manufacturers ensure cleanliness while also keeping costs in check and efficiency and functionality high.
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Aug 16, 2021
Next-generation diaphragms have been designed to meet the pumping challenges inherent in the sticky and viscous materials that are the foundation of adhesive and coating manufacturing.
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Aug 05, 2021
Sliding vane pumps offer tank truck operators better functionality, reliability than gear pumps across many liquid-handling applications. When it comes to positive displacement (PD) pumping technologies, gear and sliding vane pumps always have stood out for their reliability and versatility in liquid-handling applications. These two factors alone have made them a popular choice for loading/unloading, transport and metering applications.
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Aug 04, 2021
Innovative remote diagnostic performance-monitoring technology gives real-time visibility into AODD pump functionality to prevent costly failures and breakdowns. Since its invention 65 years ago, air-operated double-diaphragm (AODD) pump technology has been a loyal soldier in the constant battle to deliver reliable, durable, safe, cost-effective and efficient performance in utilitarian pumping applications, from dewatering mines to producing pharmaceuticals. The plug-and-play reliability of AODD pumps has helped them earn a “set it and forget it” reputation among its many devoted users.
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Jul 01, 2021
PSG®, an operating company of Dover Corporation, announced today that it has completed the acquisition of Dositec Sistemas S.L. (“Dositec”), a leading provider of dispensing systems for laundry, foodservice and commercial cleaning companies. Hydro Systems, part of PSG, has been an exclusive supplier of Dositec chemical management systems in North America since 2015.
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Jul 01, 2021
Malema’s Flow Switches have been used widely amongst many OEMs since 1981. We’ve supported an even wider range of applications.
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Jun 28, 2021
AmeGas overcomes differential-pressure difficulties inherent in Italy's hot summers with the installation of a new Ebsray RC40 Series regenerative turbine pump.
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Jun 28, 2021
Die Leistung einer Pumpe lässt sich am besten anhand von Referenzwerten beurteilen. Sie helfen auch bei der Diagnose leistungsbezogener Probleme. Erstellt der Betreiber Leistungskennlinien, kann er langjährige Probleme beheben und Basiswissen und Referenzpunkte sammeln, um seine Pumpen auf optimale Leistung einzustellen. Damit lässt sich ein wirtschaftlicher, sicherer und zuverlässiger Betrieb der Pumpen über Jahre hinweg sicherstellen.
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Jun 25, 2021
The performance of a pump can best be assessed using reference values. They also help to diagnose performance-related problems. If the operator creates performance curves, he can correct long-standing problems and gather basic knowledge and reference points to set his pumps to optimal performance.
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Jun 24, 2021
PSG®, an operating company of Dover Corporation, announced today that it has completed the acquisition of Quantex Arc Ltd. (“Quantex”), a leader in single-use precision pumping technology.
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Jun 17, 2021
Neptune™, part of PSG®, a Dover company, and a worldwide leader in specialty pumps, is pleased to announce the availability of 35 additional models as part of the Phase II release of its NSP Series Solenoid Metering Pumps and NXP Series Stepper Motor-Driven Metering Pumps.
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Jun 14, 2021
Malema Sensors® LFC-7000 series slurry flow controllers improve flow control performance and time to achieve flow control, saving our customers 20% to 30% of CMP slurry compared to peristaltic pump slurry delivery.
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Jun 10, 2021
Wilden®, part of PSG®, a Dover company, and a worldwide leader in specialty pumps, is pleased to announce that its Chem-Fuse Integral Piston Diaphragm (IPD) product line is now available in a non-food-grade Saniflex™ (Hytrel®) option for its Pro-Flo® SHIFT and Pro-Flo® Air-Operated Double-Diaphragm (AODD) Metal and Plastic Pump models.
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