1.) Plug-and-Play Pumps: mostly used by end users and in small systems
Feature an integrated drive and pump controller inside the pump housing (e.g. QF150 Series, QF1200-HT Series, QF4400-HT Series).
- The pump is ready to use
- Small dimensions and low weight
- With cable and plug for different electric grids
- Analog-input for external control (e.g. 4-20mA, 0-5VDC…)
- Keypad for manual (internal) control
- Standard Quattroflow design with baseplate and housing
2.) With external control box as option (e.g. QF4400, QF5050, QF10k, QF20k)
- External stainless-steel box additional to the pump
- With frequency converter/power supply unit/controller for the respective motor
- Analog-input for external control (e.g. 4-20mA, 0-5VDC…)
- Keypad for manual (internal) control
3.) OEM pumps: mostly used by skid manufacturer and for large systems
- External stainless-steel box additional to the pump
- With frequency converter/power supply unit/controller for the respective motor
- Analog-input for external control (e.g. 4-20mA, 0-5VDC…)
- Keypad for manual (internal) control
- The motor/drive has to be wired by the customer
- External control via analog-inputs or other signals
- Very small and smart pump design
- With motor flange, without housing and base plate or in standard design with baseplate and housing
- High flexibility
- Adaptation due custom designs